November 27, 2023 - Azle, Texas, USA. CAD-MANUFACTURING SOLUTIONS INC. (AKA CMS) announces a new CMS IntelliCAD 12.0, now available.
CMS IntelliCAD 12.0 is a major release that includes performance improvements and new features. Create reports and report templates, extracting data to tables and .xls files. Create super hatches using images, textures, blocks, external references, and wipeouts. Dynamically display and customize the Quick Properties pane to modify often-used properties. Draw splines using control vertices and knot parameterization. Use the new Geometric Center snap. Create and edit legacy image tile menus. For tables, export them to .csv files, create and update them from extracted drawing data, remove cell formatting overrides, and specify cell border properties.

For users who use the Explorer, manage more visual style properties, manage more layout settings, and specify whether to freeze layers automatically in layouts that you create. For all Explorer elements, change the column order, visibility of columns, and restore the default display of columns.
Additional new commands include Project Geometry, Show CV and Hide CV, Layer Isolate VP Freeze, Global Edit Attributes, Rename Block, Change Block, Set Z All, Quick Trim, and Copy Multiple.
More enhancements include importing page setups from other drawings, choosing PDF presets when publishing or exporting to .pdf files, importing and exporting Facet Modeler Binary (.fmb) files, setting display settings for section planes, controlling whether entities on layers can be cut by section planes, and previewing modifications when using the Offset, Trim, and Extend commands and when editing hatches.
For CMS IntelliCAD versions that support working with BIM files: customize AEC styles, attach roof and ceiling plane symbols to walls and reference them while interactively creating roof and ceiling planes, assign levels to AEC entities, import .ifc files with more options, and include .rvt and .ifc underlays when exporting to .ifc files.
For technical users, CMS IntelliCAD 12.0 incorporates an updated .NET API and uses ODA SDKs version 2023.12.
IntelliCAD IcAPI is a pre-release version for members and is highly compatible with AutoCAD® Object ARX, allowing ITC members to build applications with a single code base that runs on both platforms.
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