October 25 , 2020 - Burleson, Texas, USA. CAD-MANUFACTURING SOLUTIONS, INC. announces the release of the new CMS IntelliCAD 10.0 PE Pus USB dongle licensing option.
It's a new all-in and hassle free license management method for CMS IntelliCAD® 10 PE PLUS CAD Software. Users can purchase a new or upgrade standalone perpetual CMS IntelliCAD 10 PE PLUS USB Dongle license and get PRIMARILY a license activation code key that works with the CMS IntelliCAD 10 PE PLUS installer, freely available at the DOWNLOAD section of https://intellicadms.com , plus a physical USB Dongle allowing full offline mobility with no license management requirement.
Additional information about CMS IntelliCAD PE PLUS USB Dongle can be found at https://www.intellicadms.com/store/standalone/433-cms-intellicad-10-pe-plus-usb-dongle
Free trial available at https://intellicadms.com