February 5, 2022 - Azle, Texas, USA. CAD-MANUFACTURING SOLUTIONS INC. (AKA CMS) announces a new CMS IntelliCAD 12.1, now available.
CMS IntelliCAD 12.1 is a major release that includes performance improvements and new features, including the focal point of the release: advanced blocks. Advanced blocks can be created and edited using parameters, actions, and visibility states. Advanced blocks are not compatible with Dynamic Blocks.
Also available is the Edit Attributes (Single) command with an enhanced attribute editor. Users can also drag and drop .dwg files to add them as blocks to tool palettes, resize model space viewports, toggle the display of the printable area boundary in paper space, and load and save print stamp setting (.pss) files.
For CMS IntelliCAD PE PLUS that support IFC BIM files: specify the IFC4 or IFC4x3 schema when exporting to .ifc files, and set display properties for AEC styles.
For technical users, CMS IntelliCAD 12.1 uses ODA SDKs version 2023.12 SP1. IntelliCAD IcAPI is a pre-release version for members and is highly compatible with AutoCAD® Object ARX, allowing ITC members to build applications with a single code base that runs on both platforms.
Free trial available at https://intellicadms.com